Plast Milano 2023

In September Matsui participated to Plast Milano 2023 in Italy, one of the most important international events in the sector. It counted 1510 exhibitors and more than 60000 visitors from 110 countries during the last edition.
Keywords of this exhibition were sustainability and energy saving in the whole range of products and services, from raw materials to machineries for recycling and secondary processing, to product design and reconstruction services.
Matsui structured the booth to display its top-tier machineries that could fit these concepts at best. For example, the new dryer MJ6-i could help save until the 83% of the energy while maintaining a constant dew point; and the in-line decontamination station (with APH, ARV, Magnet Stick and Static Eliminator) doesn´t require any additional power.
The Japanese special technology called Mold Breather permits gas leakage during the molding process and a consistent evergy saving in the clamping force.

plast team

Check out in the photos below what Matsui can offer you!

plast booth

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