Fakuma 2023

This October Matsui was at the Fakuma 2023 in Friedrichshafen, Germany, the second most important international exhibition regarding plastic materials.
We had the unique opportunity of holding two public fora, to spread of our message of the important role that material handling, thermal balance and correct mold ventilation play in this industry:

In cooperation with our German partners, we structured our booth around this fundamental concept, to show a sustainable molding demonstration that could permit production with 100% recycled material.

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Starting from our low-speed granulator SMGL3 , the material travelled through the ARV Aero-Remover and the Magnet Stick for the decontamination from dust and metallic parts. It then moved to the dessicant dryer MJ3 which dryed the material and maintained it at a constant temperature until it reached the air-cooled Pelletizer , that gave a uniform shape to the pellets before directing to the molding machine. Our JCGB used an advanced gravimetric method to dose the material for the injection molding machine, and the Mold Breather inserted in the mold allowed for the best ventilation, the absence of gas burns and the optimal quality of the products. The temperature controller MCX2 granted the fast heating and cooling of the mold across a wide range of temperatures, ensuring the final product´s smooth and shiny surface.

Check out in the photos below what Matsui can offer you!

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